Curriculum Vitae:  Matthew J. Guberman-Pfeffer

One Bear Place, Waco, Texas, 76798  

(475) 225-6627, 

Current Position

Postdoctoral associate at Baylor University with Dr. Bryan Shaw and visiting research fellow with Dr. Colin Smith at Wesleyan University.


Prior Appointments

2024 Visiting Scholar (Matyushov Lab, Arizona State University)

2021-2022 Ruth L. Kirschstein NIH Postdoctoral Fellow at Yale University

(Directors: Dr. Nikhil S. Malvankar and Dr. Victor S. Batista)

2019-2021 Postdoctoral Associate at Yale University

    (Directors: Dr. Nikhil S. Malvankar and Dr. Victor S. Batista)



2023 Quantum & Mixed Quantum Classical Dynamics in Photochemistry (ZCAM)

2021                 Schrödinger's Course, "Introduction to Molecular Modeling in Drug Discovery"

2014 – 2019      Ph.D. in Chemistry, University of Connecticut (UConn)                                            

                             Thesis: Mechanisms of Porphyrinoid and Carotenoid Spectral Tuning

                                         Revealed with Quantum Chemistry

                          Advisor: José A. Gascón

2007 – 2014     Bachelor of Science, Chemistry, summa cum laude, Fairfield University 

2003 – 2007     Stratford High School, Graduated with high honors



2016 – present  American Chemical Society

2014 – present  Member of Phi Beta Kappa

2014 – present  Member of Sigma Xi

2014 – present  Member of Alpha Sigma Lambda

2010 – 2011    Intercollegiate Studies Institute fellow as part of the Honors Program


Academic Honors

2019               Three Minute Thesis finalist, UConn

2018               Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship, Department of Chemistry, UConn

2017               Bobbitt-Chu Summer Fellowship, Department of Chemistry, UConn

2016- 2019          National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship

2015               Lighthouse Guild Graduate Studies Scholarship

2014               Learning Ally Mary P. Oenslager Scholastic Award

2014               National Federation of the Blind of Connecticut Academic Scholarship

2010                  POLYED Undergraduate Award for Achievement in Organic Chemistry

                     from the American Chemical Society (ACS) Division of Polymer

                     Chemistry and Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering

2009 & 2011     Member of the winning team in the Chembowl Challenge between

                     Fairfield University and Sacred Heart University

2007               Lighthouse International College Bound Award 

2005 - 2007      Stratford High School National Honor Society



 (See Publications Tab)


1. Selected for inclusion to by Walter Smith, Associate Professor of Physics, at Haverford University for my song “Newton Rap” (2007)



 (See Presentations Tab)

Technical Skills

Operating systems:  Mac OS X, Linux/Unix, Windows; scripting:  Perl, Python, TCL, BASH

Chemistry Software Applications:  NAMD, VMD, Amber, Gaussian, ADF, QChem, Jaguar, Qsite, Glide, Tinker, GIMIC, MultiWFN, DynEMol, GROMACS, PyMol


Teaching and Mentoring Experience

Summer 2016       Guided the research of a NSF Research Experience for Undergraduate student

Summer 2015       Guided the research of a student in the ACS Summer Research

                                 Internship Program for Economically Disadvantaged High School

                                 Students (SEED)

Fall & Spring 2015 Teaching assistant, General Chemistry, UConn

Spring 2014 Distance learning instructor, Skype a Scientist, Fairfield University 



José A. Gascón (

Bryan Shaw (

Christian Brückner (

Robert R. Birge (

Mark W. Peczuh (